Friday, 31 December 2010

New Year's Eve

Today's appointment with the crisis team wasn't so bad. I've agreed not to see them any more (I don't think the stress / constant let-down was particularly helpful, after all), and they've said they'll get in touch with the complex needs team in x to get them to move my next appointment forward (have just had a letter offering me one on the 20th January).

And it's New Year's Eve so I'm going in to London to see some friends and have a thoroughly civilised meal and drink. I was let down by the person who was meant to be putting me up overnight but after a ring around I've managed to procure a sofa elsewhere at the last minute so now I can try to relax. Girlie can't be with us because she has to work overnight but it will be nice to see everyone before I go back to uni in a couple of weeks.

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